Thursday, February 10, 2011

We are a month and a half into the new year and I am finally posting my resolutions. I have three this year. I thought about making it an odd five but decided that was too many to focus on. Better odds of reaching my goals if I stick to a few good ones. I will make a separate post for each so I can explain my reasoning but not bore you to death all at once. So, here is the first one:

1. Stop drinking coke.
Seems like a pretty easy and benign thing to focus on but really it isn't. I used to be a coke fiend years ago before I had kids. I would drink 64 oz cokes from Dairy Mart like they were going out of style.
When I got pregnant with K, I stopped drinking coke and after my pregnancy I couldn't stand the taste of soda. I tried a sip once in a while from my hubbies glass and it was always so nasty. But eventually, after I had my last daughter, I forced myself to drink it and started liking it again. That was such a stupid thing for me to do. Not only is coke full of sugar and calories you don't need, but we are always telling our girls they can't have it because it's bad for them.
Lately I have realized I use it as a crutch to deal with anger and frustration. The kids irritate me, I go down a coke. Something isn't going as well as I would like, I go down a coke. Now, I realize there are worse things I can be doing, but this seems like a bad habit to get into. So I have decided to stop drinking coke by the end of this year.
I have done pretty well so far. We don't have any in the house, which helps, but occasionally when we are out to dinner I get a coke. I feel guilty about it, as I should since it isn't fulfilling my resolution, but I WILL STOP before December. Besides, water is better for you and I find that I am drinking more of it lately. I will keep you posted on my progress.


  1. Ohhhhh, I gave up Dr Pepper years ago and it still haunts me...

  2. Still keeping my Dr. Pepper habit for awhile longer!

  3. you can do it Nic!!!! And I love the dress up chest. That is great!!!! glad L had a happy bday. that post was so sweet.
