Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy Birthday, Snowman!

We woke to a world of white this morning. It was a beautiful sight to see. The girls were so excited to see the snow and wanted to go out immediately to build a snowman. I checked the school closures and sure enough, one inch was enough to shut them all down. I still chuckle every time they close the schools here.
So, I got the girls dressed and we ate some oatmeal to keep us warm while we played in the snow. We bundled up in hats, coats and gloves and ventured out into the snowy world of our backyard. The girls started off by eating some of the fresh clean snow. Then K made a snow angel; I loved doing that as a kid. Then we started rolling a ball for the bottom of our snowman. We took turns rolling it around in the snow.
Now, one of the bad things about there only being one inch of snow is that the snowman gets dirty pretty fast. However, we trudged on and were able to make a three part snowman while still leaving some patches of snow in our yard.
By the time we were done, L was very cold so we came inside and I made homemade hot chocolate while K tried to make a snow turtle. When the hot chocolate was done, I took L back outside so we could put a hat and arms on the snowman. I thought it was cute that L said "Happy Birthday, Snowman!" when we put the hat on his head. Then we went inside and enjoyed our yummy treat.

Still snowing in this picture.

K's snow angel.

L eating snow.

K rolling the snowman head.

Putting on "Daddy's" hat.

The girls named our snowman Daddy.
Guess they really missed him not being home to
play with them today. Do you see a resemblance?

MMM, hot chocolate.

L with her chocolate.

K with her marshmallows and chocolate.

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