Monday, September 13, 2010

I Scream, You Scream...

My wonderful mother-in-law recently gave me her ice cream maker. It isn't one of those salt and ice kind, it's an honest to goodness ice cream maker. It even has a freezer so you can leave it in the machine on chill until you are ready to eat it. Although, our family never leaves it alone long enough for that. We have had such great creations come out of it: chocolate, strawberry, blackberry, lemon pear, lemon pear banana, and lemon pear banana blackberry. We also made some strawberry sorbet, though I didn't care for it much.
What amazes me most, beside the yummy flavor and the ease of making it, is that so little can fill me up. I eat a quarter of what I usually eat from the store variety and I am full and satisfied every time. If you don't have one, I definitely recommend getting yourself an ice cream maker. Thanks again for such a wonderful machine, Mel.


  1. geez, i should have made a contract with you that you have to bring me ice cream at least once a year or something!!!!

  2. I could still do that, if you want:)

  3. maybe just serve me some next time i visit...please!
