Friday, October 10, 2008

A Three Week Trip: Part 1

Our family decided to take a vacation and go visit Granny and Papa in Missouri. With the prices of airfare and the cost of a rental van, we chose to drive the distance and see the country. It is a 30 hour drive if you don't make any stops, but with two young children, you know we had to make plenty. However, it only took us 35 hours to get there. We left at 9:00pm and drove the first stint for 26 hours straight, arriving in Ogallala, Nebraska. The next stint only took 9 hours. The children did a fabulous job and were quite content on the drive out.

Going from left to right the pictures are Oregon, Idaho sunrise, Utah, Wyoming, Cabela's in Nebraska, M and N in the car, K playing with L in the car, Missouri, and L in the car. The picture in the middle is from M's GPS. We didn't start it until we had been driving for three hours, but it shows the stats of our trip to Missouri.


  1. Wow! You guys are brave . . . you didn't say how the ride home went. I hope just as well as the ride there. What a fun trip!

  2. Great collage! Glad you got it figured out.

  3. Ya, how did you do the collage thing?
