Wednesday, September 10, 2008


K's first day of preschool was Friday. She was so excited to go. When I picked her up after her first day and asked what she did, all she could talk about was going on the playground. I really had to work to get any information about what the did inside the classroom other than snacks. Sounds like she really likes it though.

K leaving the house on her first day of school.

K with her teacher.


  1. What a big girl!! How fun for her.

  2. Wow! I can't believe how old she's getting!

  3. Not surprised at all that she loved it!

  4. Jenna had Mrs. B. last year for school, and loved her. I hope K has a wonderful year there!

  5. Hi

    I thought I'd stop in an say hello. I'm glad you are in your ward now. I feel bad we haven't really had a chance to talk yet.

    That was Bennett's teacher last year! He is still at that school but with Mrs. "R" this year.
