Thursday, July 2, 2009

While K was Away

L and I had a wonderful time together while her sister was at G-ma's. I noticed that L was different when her sister wasn't around. She was much more relaxed and never screamed. She would sit on our laps or next to us on the couch for long periods of time. We were even able to read whole stories to her. It was a very interesting transformation, although she didn't stay that way when her sister came back home.

Here is L riding her horse. She really liked it.

L playing with the hose.

There was beautiful weather this week so M decided to go get a little pool.
L kept putting her hands in and then shaking them all around.

She decided she wanted to get into the pool. After feeling
how frigid the water was, she pulled her feet back out again.
Luckily, the water didn't stay cold for long.

L pushing her little swing.

Hey Mom, catch!

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