Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm Seeing Spots

So you can't really tell in this picture very well, but L had a rash recently. In the afternoon on Friday the 17th L had a fever of 101. After a couple of hours it was up to 102, she became pretty mood and lethargic. She had no other symptoms until Saturday when she woke up from her nap with a rash all over her neck and back. By the end of the day she had the rash over her face and torso too but her fever was back to 101.

On Sunday I called one of our friends who is a nurse and asked her if she thought we should take L into the doctor. She said that her little baby had the same thing the week before and when they took him to the doctor he said that it was going around and there was nothing to do for it. So we kept L home from church and did things to try and bring down the fever. By Monday the rash was much better and her fever was gone. Now she is doing just fine. It was scary at first but once I knew it wasn't a big deal, I felt much better. Thanks Lauri.