Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Evil Eye

K awoke on Tuesday morning with dried crusties in her eyes. I cleaned them off and thought nothing of it. Then around lunch time I noticed that she had some clearish white mucus stuff on the whites of her eyes around her bottom eyelid and in the corners of her eyes. I didn't know what it was so I used a warm damp wash clothe to remove it. In less than 5 minutes it was back only looking a little more yellow. So I called M to see if he thought I should take her to the doctor. He said I should call them and see what they thought.

So I called the phone nurse and explained what was going on and she said it sounded like Pink Eye. UGH! Not Pink Eye. I had heard of this and it was nothing good. So she scheduled an appointment for us with a doctor who wasn't ours, ours was booked solid. I am always leery about seeing new doctors. I have had my share of awful doctors and K hates to go to the doctor as it is. I wasn't sure how she would do for a total stranger. But things went relatively well. Unfortunately, she does have Pink Eye, but it is an easy and quick fix. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic eye drop that we administer every 2 hours. She has to miss school for one day but then can go back by Thursday, though she won't go back until Friday.

I must say that these drops are amazing. I was planning on taking a picture of what it looked like while the mucus was still in her eyes, but after one dose the mucus was gone. Now her eyes are just all puffy and red. But here is what she looked like this morning. She is doing better, although she HATES having the drops put into her eyes. But she is doing a pretty good job of trusting us to put in the drops. She is still pretty lethargic and sleeping a lot. I hope that is normal. I am sure that it isn't fun having your eyes hurt. I just hope that the rest of us don't get to find out what it feels like. We are being very cautious and keeping K quarantined to her bedroom. We will see if that works...I will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. is tana okay? is she acting herself now??
