Friday, April 17, 2009

A Birthday and a Slumber Party

We went to Bahmah and Papa's house on the 16th to celebrate Papa's 59th birthday. Bahmah made yummy burritos for dinner and then we had a Lemon Cake. M's sister and family were still here so the kids got to play some more. Then they had a slumber party in the living room. They had so much fun!

Papa and Bahmah.
Papa's Lemon Cake.

Papa said the grand kids could blow out his candles. They were very excited about that.

The inside of the cake.
Uncle Luke took K and Q on several ATV rides and then they picked flowers in the meadow.

Here Uncle Luke is pushing the kids while telling them a Blazers Basketball story starring them as the main players on the team. I caught a few minutes of it and it was very entertaining.

Here he continues the story while pushing them on the bench swing.

The slumber party. Bahmah and the kids watched a Max and Ruby movie. After the movie they all curled up and slept right on that air mattress. Wonder if Bahmah got any elbows in the ribs.
The next morning there was a tearful goodbye. K didn't want to leave her cousin Q. She really enjoyed playing with him and can't wait to see him again. Hopefully it won't be so long next time.


  1. it was more knees and kicks in the ribs and my ribs were sore the next day after the slumber party. it surely was fun tho!!!

  2. What a great grandma she is!
