Monday, June 2, 2014

Updating the Bland

When we moved into our house I had aspirations of taking the beige on beige on beige decor and breathing life into it with color on the walls and cute decorations. We painted the girls bedrooms and the guest room before we even moved in but it has been a slow process to enhance the rest of the house.

This is our master bathroom before shot, isn't it boring? Beige tile, beige walls, beige flooring, and a big ugly mirror with strip lighting. After six years I finally figured out what I wanted to do in here. M and I started working on updating it right before spring break this year. I picked out two colors of green that worked well with our blue bedroom. I painted the main part of the bathroom Kensington Green and the toilet closet Gossamer Blue.
Depending on the light it looks blue or green. I really like the way it turned out and it goes well with the beige tile and flooring.
I love this gossamer color. It was too light for the whole bathroom but it looks great in this small room. Now I just need to figure out what to put on the wall behind the door and on top of the toilet shelf.
While I was picking out paint swatches, M started making a wooden shelf to break up the huge mirror on the wall. Because of this project he has now gotten into wood working and is quite good at it. He put a lot of hours into making this shelf and framing out he mirrors. He also rewired the lights. put up two new light fixtures and patched up the huge hole in the wall from the previous light strip.
Here is the finished product. I changed our old towels to some new ones from IKEA and Target. I am going with grey, plum, and two shades of green. I really like how this room turned out.
I was impressed with how nice the door and drawer look that M added to the shelf. The whole sink area looks much nicer and less cookie cutter. We plan on up dating the girls bathroom in a similar fashion. I will post pictures of it when we are done.


  1. Your bathroom looks so awesome! I LOVE the shelf you but between the mirrors!!

  2. Looks so good! Max did an awesome job on the divider/shelf.
