Monday, October 15, 2012

Zombies Among Us

The girls and I went to Heiser's Pumpkin Patch this weekend with my aunt and cousin. There was so much to do and see while we were there and it was relatively inexpensive, just $22 for the girls and myself.

There was a huge hay slide and a dark hay maze to wander through. The girls went through the maze over and over again. The only time they got scared was when some older boys, about 10 or 12, dressed in dark clothes and masks hid around a corner and jumped out and yelled at them. I told them it was not okay to do that to little kids. The momma bear came out in me.

There were huge cannons used to shoot pumpkins into the air. It was very loud but fun to watch the pumpkins shooting across the sky.
For only $60 you could go up in a helicopter ride for 5 whole minutes! We opted not to try that out, way too expensive! I'd prefer to spend my money on something else.
 We jumped on the tractor drawn wagons and headed down to the pumpkin patch and corn maze.

We let the girls take turns choosing which direction they wanted to go. It was an easy maze, if you went the wrong way you found a dead end pretty quickly or it circled around to the correct place you needed to be. I never realized how tall corn grew. It always looks to be about 5 feet tall when you are driving by on the road but it was easily 2 feet above my head.

There were bunnies, donkeys, pigs, chicks, goats, and a calf to pet. The girls liked the animals a lot, I made sure to wash their hands really well after they were done. Then we took a ride on a fire truck. They drove pretty quickly and even turned on the lights and siren. We all really enjoyed the ride.


There was even a clown making animal balloons for the kiddies. L asked for a sword and K asked for a dinosaur. The sword was good, I am still not sure what the dinosaur was but it was very intricate. Then we went for a ride on a train.


Little did we know when we headed out today that we would be surrounded by zombies. They were having a Zombie 5k Dash; there were so many people, kids and adults, dressed up in cool and gruesome costumes. We stayed long enough to see the start of the race but headed out before it ended. I took some video of it but didn't get any good pictures. They let the survivors run first and then three minutes later released the zombies. I don't know who won or what happened if a zombie caught you but it was a fun premise for a Halloween run.


All in all it was a really fun day with the girls and I am so glad my aunt and cousin came with us. It definitely made the day easier and more fun.


  1. I wanted to go see the zombie run! (I slept in). Great pics! Love the peekaboo shot.

  2. That is a steal of a price for all that fun.

  3. Great pictures! It was fun - maybe next year we can talk Mik & Mark into joining the run!
