Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Golden Coin

K's top tooth has been wiggly for about a month and she has been hoping it would come out at school. Why at school you ask? Because if you loose a tooth at school, there is a teacher who will give you a cute little tooth necklace to safely transport your tooth home. K has been wiggling it a lot at school and then leaving it alone at home. It finally popped out during her reading class which was fortuitous since that is the teacher who has the necklaces.

Isn't it a cute little thing? K kept her tooth in it so the tooth fairy could find it easier underneath her pillow. In return for this pretty little tooth, she received a gold dollar coin. When she awoke she was very excited because she has been wanting a Sacajawea coin for some time now and found a gold coin waiting for her beneath her pillow. Unfortunately the tooth fairy was all out of those coins but she left behind an Abe Lincoln dollar coin. Did you know that they come with many different presidents faces on them and have for a few years now? I was unaware. Hopefully the next time our tooth fairy comes she will have a Sacajawea coin for K, though I don't know if they are still in circulation....


  1. I've been dealing less in cash these days, but I have noticed some specialty coins floating around. I think it's the government's sneaky way of encouraging us to save.

  2. We do the sacajoweea(sp) coin for our kiddo's too. Love the post!
