Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fall Back to School

My girls headed back to school this week. K is now a big second grader and is excited about starting a new year. She is in a 2nd/3rd grade blend class because of school cutbacks. There are 37 children in her room and it's the smaller of the three classes. She already loves her teacher and knows most of the kids in her class.

L started her pre-k class today and loves her teacher. She was excited to see Shadow, the classroom bunny and hopes to feed it sometime this year. She knows a few of the children in her class from last year and had a great first day. She seems much more confident this year and was happy to let me leave when I said goodbye.

I am excited to have the girls back in school only because it will get us on a sane schedule. This summer has been crazy and hectic. I think the girls are excited to get back to learning and I will have a couple hours each day to work around the house, exercise, volunteer in classrooms, and maybe work on some projects. Here's to another great year!

1 comment:

  1. That is crazy....37 kids in one class? Do they have two teachers? There is no way that slower kids can get the attention they need with that size of class. I'll be interested to hear how things go this year.
