Thursday, April 7, 2011


My girls are taking a dance class together and are loving it. They have been learning the song, You Are My Sunshine and moves to go along with it. Their instructor told them if they sing it loud enough maybe the sun will come out. So, my 6 year old has been singing it a lot lately when she is playing outside and the sun goes behind clouds or it's a cloudy day.

Amazingly enough, almost every time the sun comes back out which just reinforces what her teacher told her. Plus it gives her a sense of control in a world where she doesn't have much. I find it adorable that she continues to belt out the song with her face tilted high to face the sky.

And here is a video of them singing. I don't have any pictures of them in dance yet. The parents were banned from the room until their recital in a couple more weeks. It's okay, though, it gives me a chance to read in the car while they are practicing. I can't wait to see their new moves.


  1. I love that video! Your girls could seriously not get any cuter. I love how L is trying so hard to find the right words and sing right along with K! Haha so cute.
