Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Project Chalkboard

I have been wanting to put a chalkboard up in the girls playroom but they are VERY expensive. After talking to my husband, we came up with a cheaper plan. We bought some chalkboard contact paper on Amazon and attached it to some metal M brought home from work. Our walls are bumpy so we had to put it on something smooth first. We attached some decorative baseboard to the finished chalkboards and hung them on the wall. The kids even helped us hang them up. We ended up having two boards that are three feet square. They really like having their own boards and I think they look pretty too.

K hammering in a drywall anchor.

L putting in a screw.

K also had a turn to put in a screw.

Enjoying the fruits of their labor.

I was gone this weekend and K drew a picture for
me. It is me on a hill at the park with a creek nearby.
There is an apple tree, flowers and birds in the sky.


  1. Those look so well done!! I'm wishing we had done the same. Ours is just propped up against the wall.

  2. I love it!!! Always so clever.
