Saturday, March 19, 2011

Couch to 5K

I have always thought people who run for fun were crazy. I mean, who runs for fun? You run to get away from your pursuer or maybe in basketball or football though, those kind of fall under the same heading. But for fun? What are these people thinking?
Then, as I got older and saw all the dedication and work it took to do these fun races I was in awe of these people. I could never run just to run, let alone put in all those hours and energy to run in a race with really fast people so I could maybe come in 50th or better but never first place. But kudos to those who did.
I have been in my ward for almost 3 years now and so many people run in this ward. My neighbor runs religiously and has been encouraging me to take it up. I have always laughed it off and thought never in a million years will that happen!
So, I guess a million years goes by much quicker than I thought it would. This week I started doing the Couch to 5K program. I ran three days this week and it wasn't so bad. The first day I had a very hard time catching my breath towards the end of the session, but I made it through. I skipped a day and on the next day my hip joints and calves hurt so bad I could barely make it up the stairs.
My neighbor, Kristy, told me I had to run again; I would feel so much better if I did. I didn't believe her, but I went anyway. She was right, I felt much better after my second run and I didn't have as hard of a time breathing like I had the first day.
That brings us to today. I just got back from my third day of running. I was able to do the whole session but I had a hard time catching my breath again. I also felt really jell-0ie. Is that word? It felt like I was running on sponges. I don't know if any of this is normal, but I will keep up the program and see where it takes me. Next week I am starting week two, obviously, and I am a little nervous about doing it since I had a hard time today. But I guess if it is too hard I can always do week one again.
When I am a little more comfortable with my outfit, maybe I will post a picture of myself in my running clothes. Until then, any advice from you runners out there would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and what is this about stretching? I never stretch. Why do you do it and how? Happy Running:)


  1. AWESOME!!! If you're often feeling weak make sure you work good proteins and carbs into your meals. And chocolate milk after a good run is one of the best things for quick recovery. I only stretch after a run. It's not safe to stretch cold muscles. And I only do it 'cause it feels good!
    Keep us updated!

  2. GOOD FOR YOU!!!! In terms of if what your feeling is normal . . . yes. For me, you could add on dry heaving during and at the end of running. I hated it until I did the couch to 5K. Now, it's a 9-10 wk program, but I took 10 months to do it. I'm not up to a 5K, but I can run the full 30minutes now. I'm proud of you. Did you download the program on an mp3 or ipod?

  3. Lindz-thanks for the info on protein, carbs and stretching. I don't like chocolate milk, but maybe I could do some hot cocoa instead:)

    Liz, I downloaded it to my MP3 player. I think I will probably have to do week one again, but I will try week two first and see how I feel. Thanks for your encouragement.

  4. Tim and I did this a couple years ago before I got pregnant with Austin. We both are not runners, but this made us runners. We enjoyed it after awhile. I wish we would not have stopped. Now I am starting all over. I ran almost 2 miles the other day. I was proud. I think it is important to not give up. You will get there!
