Sunday, July 11, 2010

Geocaching Fun

What is geocaching, you ask? It is a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices. The basic idea is to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, outdoors and then share your experiences online. Usually you can take an item found inside the container in exchange for something you bring to put in it's place. Since we are spending so much time driving and hiking around in the woods, M thought it would be fun to try and find treasure too. We have successfully found three so far and been duped on six others. Although, to be fair, we only had the coordinates, not the hints that went along with the coordinates. It has been fun and K loves it. She always brings something of hers to put in the container. So far she has gotten a race car and a clay man. One of the treasures we found wasn't one you take but one you feel good about finding.

Our very first geocache was in a group of trees.
The name of this one was called Treefecta.
We were able to deduce it's location based on the name.
It was in among three trees growing closely together.

The second one was a gorilla in a tree.
It was a little harder to find, but we did it.

The third one was hidden under a bridge near
Brice Creek Falls.


  1. You guys are so creative! What great memories you will all have with this.

  2. Cool. can I come treasure hunting?? What a great idea.
