Thursday, July 15, 2010

Church Water Fight

It has been very hot here lately, in the upper 80's to mid 90's. To help with the heat and get the kids out of the house, some of the mom's at church organized a water fight in the church's field. There were quite a few kids who came and there were tons of water balloons. At first it was total chaos, but then we got the kids to all sit in a circle and see how many balloons we could get passed around the circle without popping them. After a while we just let them go at it and have a huge water fight. All the balloons were gone in about 2 minutes flat, but they had fun. When they were all done, Margaret brought out the otter pops and those who picked up twenty pieces of balloon and brought them to her, got to have one. I thought that was an ingenious way to get the kids to pick up all the litter the fight had left behind.

All the kiddos in a circle.

L passing a balloon to her old Nursery leader.

K taking a balloon.

K in the middle of the balloon fight.
She didn't get a drop on her!

Chaos of a fight-L is in the bottom centerish.

What a great shot! The pictures not so bad either.

K eating her otter pop.

L really enjoyed her otter pop.

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