Saturday, June 27, 2009


We took the girls to get their annual pictures done. K did a fantastic job and her pictures are so adorable. L, on the other hand, was a nightmare! She wouldn't sit still, she kept lunging for the camera and other equipment, and she screamed pretty much the entire time. Luckily we were able to get a couple decent shots of her. I was actually surprise there were any at all. She seriously would NOT sit or stand for more than a second. Every time the photographer was able to focus on her, L would run.

Here is a closeup of L, she was headed for the camera.

We tried to distract her with the toys that were there because ours were not
working. She seemed to like the train for a brief moment.

In this one, M had a hold of her. It actually turned out pretty cute.

We brought K in to try and help keep L calm, but it didn't work either.
However, this picture turned out pretty cute too, even though L is yelling.

Here is K for her 4th Birthday shot.

I thought this was a very cute little pose.

This is my absolute FAVORITE of the shoot!
K looks so beautiful here. It is just so perfect.


  1. i like all the pictures!! thanks for posting them.

  2. These are some good pictures, especially of K. How did you get the pictures in digital form? They told us we'd have to pay $99.99 to get a CD of our familoy shoot.

  3. What beautiful girls you have the pictures turned out great.

  4. Oh my heck! Those are ADORABLE. That last one of K is my favorite of her's too. Holy cuteness. Good ole L. It reminds me of the nightmare I had last year. Both boys were crying and having fits.
