Monday, June 1, 2009

Our Growing Garden

So we have been working on our Garden since April. I have posted about it a couple of times but now I have made a mosaic of our progress. M made raised beds out of stainless steel. We planted strawberries we got off of craigslist and then a bunch of seeds. We planted corn, peppers, cucumber, zucchini, carrots, lettuce, and green beans. We transplanted our old strawberries and bought tomatoes and broccoli to plant. Recently we planted pumpkin seeds for the Bemy Pumpkin contest.

On the side of our yard we planted raspberry shoots we received from M's mom along with the blueberry bush Emy gave me for my birthday last year. Along the back of the fence I dug up two holes to plant the apple trees we got from Wal-Mart. We are hoping they get enough sun to grow, they are kind of over shadowed by the Poplar trees behind our fence.

Everything seems to be growing quite well, except for our carrots. They haven't come up yet. We have planted them a couple of times, but to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions?

M put down some pavers in between the beds so we would have a nice place to kneel down to pick our veggies and weed the garden. I think it turned out very nice. I am so pleased with how our backyard is looking. It is so relaxing to be in, now if we could just find some nice furniture to put on the deck, we will be pretty close to done.


  1. Your garden looks great! How fun. My root veggies are FINALLY popping up on top, but it took them a month at least. I thought they were dead. Onions and potatoes though.

  2. Those beds look GREAT! I bet you're producing tons by now.
