Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Traditions

Every year we participate in special activities leading up to Christmas. Some years we do more than others but there a few things we always do.
My mom got us an Elf on the Shelf five Christmases ago. Every year he makes an appearance after Thanksgiving and hides in various places each night leading up to Christmas. The girls love looking for him each morning and it's been a lot of fun this year because he has been hiding in harder spots.

Hiding in the pocket of my cooking apron.
One morning Relfie the Elfie hid in the same spot he had hidden in before and K yelled at him "Stupid Elf!" While she was getting dressed he moved to another spot. When she spotted him she said, "I'm sorry, I just don't like it when you hide in the same spot more than once. It isn't any fun. Please hide in different places." M and I were shocked she yelled at the elf but even more shocked when she apologized to him.
Hiding in the tree.
We always go pick out a tree together and then come home and decorate it. This year after decorating it the girls and I camped out under it. We listened to Christmas music, read a couple of Christmas stories and enjoyed gazing at the lights while drifting off to sleep.
For the past several years we have been reading a Christmas book each night before bed. Last year I wrapped all the books to make it more fun to choose. The girls take turns each night picking a book to read together. We weren't as consistent this year but we still read most nights.

I love nativities and collect them. I have several in each room and one on the tree. I used to have more nativity ornaments but they broke when our tree fell two years ago.
This year I got to go to the Winter Frolic in L's kindergarten class. We made nine Christmas crafts together and then iced cookies for a snack. It was so much fun hanging out with L in her classroom and seeing her interact with her classmates. K even got to come ice cookies with us during her recess time.
I help out in K's class room each Tuesday for a couple of hours. Her sweet teacher gave me a hand drawn snowman plate with the signatures of all her students. Such a special gift from an amazing woman! I love going in each week and working with these great kids!
For the past several year's M's work has had a family Christmas party at the roller rink in town. The kids have a great time puttering around the rink and we are fed pizza. It's something they look forward to each year.
On Christmas Eve the girls get to open one gift. It's jammies so they look nice on Christmas morning opening gifts. We get on our jammies then go out to look at Christmas lights throughout the town. When we get home we put out cookies and milk for Santa before heading off to bed.
Jammies and robes.
Cookies, milk and notes for Santa.
The stockings were hung.
Fell asleep at 2 in the morning, Santa can finally come.

1 comment:

  1. Your girls are getting so big! Such fun Christmas traditions. Miss you! :)
