Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Crafty Kid

K's teacher had a birthday recently and K wanted to make something extra special for her. While up at Bahmah's she sewed another project, a sturdy bag. After she sewed it, she drew and colored a dog on both sides. She did a great job and her teacher, Mrs. F. loved it! She said it was super sturdy and great for taking all her school papers/books between home and work.

About a month ago, K did another project for her reading class. She had read in their scholastic flyers about a group of women in Britain who did acrobatics on the outside of a bi-plane while flying 150 miles per hour. The unit was on courage and K thought this would be a great example of courage to do her project on. She found pictures for me to print off and she glued them to the inside of a Kleenex box. She then wrote up a bunch of bullet points and used her laptop to type them up so they would look nice.

M found a website that had printable cutouts of a bi-plane which she used to make a 3-D model of a plane and then attached a picture of the three women to the top of the plane. We both thought she did a great job.
 The bi-plane K cut out and folded together.
Here is the finished project. Again, we were astonished by the response K got from her teacher. She accused K of not typing up the words on her own. K told her she did it and the teacher said she was sure I had done it for her. K responded, "I have my own laptop. I did it myself." The teachers response? "Whatever."
It really irked us to hear that she not only accused K of not doing her own work but that she called her out in front of the whole class. This was a much easier project than the dinosaur one she did and HELLO! she is in the TAG program for a reason. She is accelerated in that area. Of course she can type. In this day and age of I-pads and I-phones, what kid can't figure out how to type up a few sentences. Even if they don't know how to type, they know their letters and can hunt and peck out what they want to say. It took her 45 minutes to type up her bullet points, but she did it!
We can't wait until next year when she will only have the one teacher. I LOVE her homeroom teacher. She is nothing but uplifting and complimentary to all her students. It is a big change from last year. I just wish we didn't still have last years teacher for reading class.


  1. Are you going to have words with the rotten teacher? I would. Even though we all know that most kids have parents that do their projects for them, that was no excuse to be rude and demeaning to her.

    1. I didn't see the point. Last year when there was a problem and I addressed it, she actually got meaner to K. I am happy to admit when we help her, but she is an amazingly smart kid and very artistic. She doesn't need a lot of help. L, on the other hand, will probably need lots. But that is due to different personalities and such.

    2. It sounds like the teacher is petty, which is the worst kind. There is no law that says teachers have to be mature adults, more's the pity!
      P.S. I have now endured three word verifications, so I must really love you.
