Saturday, June 15, 2013

Garage Sale & Soccer Fest

The first Saturday in June was super busy for us. I had spent the previous weeks going through every room in our house looking for unused and outgrown items to put in a garage sale with my close friend, Liz. M made me this great rack to hand clothes on which he will use as a target holder in the future.

Every year Liz's neighborhood has a community garage sale. Over 200 houses are involved and they sell food and drinks as well their unwanted items. It is a great place to get the most foot traffic for the items you want to sell, and a to find treasures for yourself.
Between the two families, we had a ton of stuff to sell. Liz has a side business of purchasing makeup items in bulk from companies that have changed their packaging and can no longer sell them. She gets them at a great price and then sells them for a profit but a lot cheaper than you can find them at Target or Wal-Mart. She sold these at the garage sale with her other items. She made a killing! If you ever need makeup or hair straighteners/curling irons, go to her facebook page. You really can't beat the prices.
While I was at the garage sale making us some money, M took the girls to L's last soccer games of the season. She had three almost back to back but she didn't play as hard as she usually does. M said she wasn't really interested.
While L played her games, K climbed trees.
I am thinking we won't put L in soccer for the fall season. She never seemed really into it for more than half a game all season and by the end she mostly walked around the field.
L's soccer party was on the following Tuesday at Pappy's Pizza. She got to play with her soccer team and receive her trophy. Her dad even had time to make a special medal for her and her teammates.
We just started L in Taekwondo this week though, and she seems to be loving it. We will see how the summer goes but hopefully this will be a sport she really gets into. I think we are done with soccer for the time being.

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