Saturday, March 9, 2013

February illness, brings March wellness

Other than short-lived colds and runny noses, we don't generally get sick, but February was awful. I threw my back out and a week later was so ill I was barely conscious. I had a fever of 103 degrees for five days and slept almost the entire time. By the time my fever broke I was so weak it took almost two weeks to recover.
Both of my girls had multiple fevers, headaches, and coughs throughout the month. K even had to come home from school one day because her head hurt so bad it was making her throw up. We were all so miserable. Some how M never got any of it but took care of all of us like a well trained nurse.
Here are some highlights from this month that I never got around to posting:
1. L has been taking swimming lessons since November. Here are two short videos of her progress.

2. K's class at school was asked to provide their own Valentine's Day card receptacle. Her dad made an awesome box out of fiber board and she painted it. I think they did an great job and it can be used over and over again.

3. K had her school musical this month too. It was entitled Kids on Broadway. The second and third graders learned songs from ten different musicals and performed them. I wasn't able to make it to the show but her dad took videos and pictures. She did very well.
 K and some other kids got to sing the last song together.

4. M made an awesome card for Valentine's Day and gave me some truffles from Euphoria Chocolate. And my sweet Young Women from church heart attacked my door.

5. M took the girls up to Spencer's Butte one Saturday. It was very cold and foggy but a lot of fun for the girls. I got to stay home where it was warm and work on scrapbooks.


  1. that is a terrific valentine mailbox! lark is a SWIMMER!!!

  2. The mailbox needs to win some kind of award, I'm just not sure which one.
    Bethany's lot have hardly been sick all winter, which is very unusual. She has been giving them vitamin D drops every day and attributes it to that. Other friends swear by them too. You should talk to her. I've started taking them too.
