Thursday, March 14, 2013


K went to Portland last weekend with her dad to attend the National Taekwondo Tournament. On Friday night she and many others got to train with Grand Songahm Grand Master Lee. K said Grand Master Lee was very short and very funny. She had a wonderful time.

K with Grand Master Lee.

Doing one steps and training together.
There was a huge group of people that went to the training.
K and her dad stayed in a hotel near the Convention Center and got to eat out at Red Robin, Fudruckers, and Burgerville. That's a lot of burger places! Fudruckers was their favorite.
On Saturday the tournament started at 8am but K didn't have her competition until 10:30 so they walked around and watched others doing theirs. K really wants to learn to use weapons now.
There were about 8 other kids competing with her. They did their forms first and K tied this girl for 3rd place. They had to do them again and the girl was slightly better the second time, so K came in 4th place. Here is a picture of the judges making their call. M took the picture right before the last guy judged in K's opponents favor.
Then the kids did their sparring. K won with no problem against her first opponent. Then she went up against the girl above. Here are videos of the sparring.
 The first round went to the girl.

The second round went to K.

The third round went to K and she went on to defeat another competitor. She walked away with first place in sparring. 
Shaking hands with the judges after winning 1st Place.
Outside with her medal.
Close up of her medal and chips she received.
The back of the medal.
We are so proud of K! She is doing an amazing job in this sport and seems committed to doing it long-term. We feel this is an excellent thing for her to be doing. Not only does it teach her self-defense but it gives her confidence and self-discipline.