Monday, October 17, 2011

Facebook Junkie

Hello, my name is N and I am an addict. I first joined facebook three years ago when a friend invited me to play a game on it with her. It was a fun way to waste time while my three year old had quite time and my baby slept. From there it slowly bloomed into a way to stay connected with far away friends and family as well as close ones. Then I started adding pages. Coupon website pages, crafting blog pages, scrapbooking pages, etc. It's a great way to stay updated on things I am interested in, but the time it takes is incredible!

Lately I have realized that I am a total junkie. There are times when I want to look up something or send off a quick email but I stop off at facebook first. After realizing an hour has passed since I sat down, I quickly power off the computer forgetting to take care of the item I originally got online to do. There are days when I am checking facebook all day long, only leaving my seat to feed the kids or run them to school. It has become completely ridiculous and I definitely don't have the extra time for this these days. On the days where I don't even pull out my laptop, I get so much done. However, when I get online the next day it takes twice as long to catch up on all the posts.

My husband recommended only going online for 10 minutes at a time, but COME ON!! I can barely get through the first page of posts in that time. So then I tried just looking at my close friends posts and the coupon posts. That has been better but I feel guilty for not reading all of my "friends" comments. I have thought of deleting people who aren't really my friends, but everyone on my account is someone I deal with at church or an old friend whom I like to keep updated with on their life. There are some of my friends who are seldom on facebook or not at all and they get along fine. I hear all about how they are doing when I see them at church or on girls nights out.

So now I wonder if I should just get off facebook altogether. The new layout helps push me in that direction because I really don't like it. It was much easier and more simple to navigate the old way, but alas, there is nothing I can do about that. So tell me, am I the only one that feels like a junkie? What are your thoughts?


  1. I was a junkie, too. I've cut back my friends list to family and a very small handful of friends (those without blogs). This change has helped a lot. Good luck in cutting back. You'll probably be glad that you did.

  2. You know that's why I haven't gotten on facebook. I know that if I was allowed to drink alcohol, I would probably be an alcoholic. I'm being realistic. I know if I get on facebook, I would be worse than what you described so I stay away. When I was working last year there was a girl who announced "I'm throwing a 'I deleted my facebook account' party. She invited all the friends that she's close to and said she would rather party with them, then read about what they are doing. I thought that was a fun reason to have a party. haha. Good luck with your choice, I'll support you in Facebook Anonymous meetings if you'd like. haha.

  3. ha ha, BUT you need to see how your YW are doing...

  4. I've had too many serendipitous moments because of facebook to ever give it up.
    I have hidden a few people and unfriended others. I'm sure that a lot of people have hidden me!
    Maybe you could make fb your reward for getting other things done. I'd be sad if you left.
