Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Day with Nature

We went to Hendrick's Park on Saturday. The kids loved walking around looking at the different types of flowers and plants. There were many areas to sit and enjoy the scenery. While we were there, we saw a gray squirrel, a huge bumble bee, a wild turkey, many types of birds, and a snail making his way across the road.

Bumble Bee.

The snail.

K in some pretty ground cover.

L in a tree surrounded by pretty ground cover.

L loved smelling all the flowers.

K and L took turns walking down some logs we found.

This is a picnic table they have in the pavilion.
M and I both thought it was very pretty.

Mom and K by the pavilion.

The girls next to a running fountain.

After wandering around the park for a while, we decided we hadn't had enough exercise and decided to hike up Spencer Butte. It has been a while since I have made it up to the top. We decided to go up the front this time and boy was it steeper than I remember! The girls did a great job, though. L only had to be carried a couple of times over steep rocks and K scrambled up all the rocks on her own. Once at the top we were greeted with a gorgeous 360 degree view of Springfield, Eugene and surrounding area. We could even see some of the mountains, I believe Mt. Hood and the Sisters. After we rested for a bit on top, we headed down the back of the butte. It was more leisurely going down the back side.

We found a little area off the trail to take a picture.

L and Daddy walking up. You can't really tell
how steep it is, but trust me, it is a very steep incline.

This is a view from about half way up the side.
Mommy was very tired so we took a breather.
The kids were raring to go, not a bit tired.

Daddy and the girls waiting for me to catch up.

We finally reach the top.

K after climbing the rocks to the very top.

On the way down, M spied this squirrel eating a snack.
L wanted to touch it, thankfully M wouldn't let her.

See all the rock behind L we climbed down?
Those are a piece of cake compared to the front.

I LOVE this picture of the girls holding hands.

Down at the bottom; what a great day!


  1. I wanna go hiking!!! Looks like a blast...

  2. what a great day you had! i see that the girls got warm on the hike up spencer butte as they shed their sweaters. nice pictures! i love to see them. thanks
