Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Primary Talk

K came home from church last week all excited because she had been asked to give a talk in Primary the following week. Her talk was to be on "How the Principals and Ordinances of the Gospel bring her closer to Jesus Christ". I was nervous and worried about this talk for her. This was the first time she had been asked to give a talk and I wasn't sure how to go about doing it. Was I supposed to write the talk for her and have her memorize it? How long was it supposed to be? and What exactly was she supposed to be talking about? M and I talked about it and we were both unsure of how to proceed. However, I remembered a book I had bought last year entitled, "Creating Terrific Talks", so I pulled it out and read it. It was a quick read and very helpful. It explained how you should have your child write their own talk, because it helps to make them stronger in the gospel and to build their testimony. It gave great ideas on how to get your kids to talk about their thoughts on the subject their talk is on and how to expound upon it. So we started on Monday night at FHE with teaching her about the 4th Article of Faith which pretty much sums up what her talk should be on. Then before bed we asked her some questions and wrote down her answers for her. We did this on Tuesday too, and by Wednesday I had something typed up for her, completely in her own words. She spent the rest of the week reading it multiple times a day. Today she was able to get up in front of the class, and after a couple seconds of nervousness, was able to give her beautiful talk. We were both so proud of her. I never would have thought a 5 year old could write and read their own talk, but she did it! Way to go K!

K in her pretty Sunday outfit.

I love this picture of her.

K giving her talk like a pro in Primary.


  1. Way to go little lady! We are VERY proud of you! I bet your talk was wonderful.

  2. We are totally impressed! Wish I'd known about that book when my kids were little!

  3. That is so awesome! I remember those first talks-still have pictures Summer drew for them. Good job, big girl!
