Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

On the Monday before Mother's Day, my family took me out to Road House Grill where we had dinner and our FHE lesson on Mothers. After dinner, K gave me a package to open and inside was an array of iced cookies, my favorite.
On Mother's Day it was such a gorgeous day. The sun was out and it got up to 70 degrees by the afternoon. In the morning I awoke to a yummy breakfast of apple puff pancakes and bacon. After breakfast we all got dressed up and headed to church were we heard wonderful talks given by our youth and musical numbers by the primary and young women. Everyone did an amazing job. After sacrament, all the women received chocolate truffles from Euphoria's Chocolate, so yummy! In the afternoon, K gave me her creations she made at preschool. A lovely picture of a purple bouquet and a potted purple flower. M made dinner, bbq pork in the crock pot, with broccoli and pasta followed by homemade brownies. Then I opened another gift from the family. A beautiful framed picture with the girls hand prints on one side and a picture of them on the other. Such a wonderful and thoughtful gift.

My iced cookies, very tasty.

Apple Puff Pancakes and Bacon.

My picture frame and my beautiful girls.

K's flower she gave me.

The bouquet she made me.

The delish brownies M made for me.
So much better than box brownies!


  1. I have GOT to get that brownie recipe! So tell me what the heck your secret is lady. Eating Apple pancakes, and bacon, and those brownies, but looking skinny?! Not fair.

  2. I have just been limiting the amount of food I eat at each sitting and I exercise every night. I ride the bike for 20-30 minutes,use the gazelle for about 10 minutes, do 25-50 crunches a day, and 100 bicep and 50-100 tricep building things with my rubber bands. I usually do 25 reps of the tricep and bicep things 3-4 times a day. Since I started, I have been able to increase the number of reps and the number of bands I use. Thanks for the compliment!

  3. What a GREAT DAY!!!! And I'm with Liz. You look amazing and I need the recipe : )

  4. Brownie recipe:

