Thursday, February 4, 2010

Today You Are Two

I can't believe you are already two. It seems like I you were just a bundle of joy coming home from the hospital. Now look at you! You have grown so much and can do so many things. You love to play outside in the dirt and sand. You love to swing on the rope swing in our living room and wrestle with daddy.
You can put on your shirts and pants but socks and shoes are still hard for you. Your hair is long enough to put into piggy tales, however you don't leave them in for more than a few minutes. You are pretty proficient with utensils but you haven't gotten the hang of cups yet. When you try to use them, you spill all the liquid down your shirt, so you use sippy cups right now.
You only say a few words, dogie, hi, and baby, but I know you will be speaking a lot soon. You are a very curious girl and get into everything. You are also very stubborn. If there is something you don't want to do, we are hard pressed to get you to do it.
You are now 38 1/4 inches tall and weigh 28.8 pounds. You are so much taller than K was at this age and you are a head above all the other kids your age. I definitely think you will be as tall as I am.
I am so amazed at how much you have grown and love spending time with you. The past two years have been amazing and I am excited to see you much more you grown and change in the coming year. We are so blessed to have you as part of our family and we love you oodles!



  1. Happy Birthday to little L!
    Such a sweetie. :)

    (you crack me up... you posted this on the recipe blog, too!!) LOL

  2. I wondered where it went! Thanks!

  3. How is this even possible? That L can be two already? Happy Birthday!
