Friday, September 4, 2009

Canning Pears

My aunt and I were able to get 4 boxes of pears to can for our food storage. She came down yesterday and we spent 12 hours peeling, cutting, coring, and canning pears. We only canned 3 of the 4 boxes and ended up with 61 jars of pears. The last box wasn't quite ripe enough so we left it for later. M and I are going to dehydrate those instead. Here are the results of our labor.

Left side of counter.

Right side of counter.

All our jars lined up in rows. Isn't it a lovely sight?
It made us proud to see the fruits of our labor.
Thanks Karen for coming down and doing this with me.
I know I never would have made it through even one
box if I had been doing it alone.


  1. Look at all that work! I am so proud of you, and exhausted for you! Loved the enchanted forest pictures, we've gone there once with my sister. Can't wait to see you guys at school. I saw K's nametag on her table.

  2. You are amazing. Thanks for sharing with me!
