Friday, September 9, 2011

First Day of Preschool

On Wednesday L met her teachers at preschool. She was a little nervous at first but when it was time to go she gave them each a huge hug goodbye. Today she went back for her first day and she loved it. She went straight to the play-dough table and played happily there until I was ready to leave. She was fine letting me go and happy to see me when I returned to pick her up. Her only complaint was that she couldn't play on the big kids playground. I completely understand her frustration since she is the size of a first grader but I explained that the other kids were too little to safely play on it so she would have to be content playing on the small playground. She wasn't happy with that answer so we will see if this is a source of contention in the future.

As you can tell from this picture, L is very animated. She has quite the personality to go along with it. I love her to pieces and can hardly believe she is in preschool already. I hope it is as good of an experience as it was for her older sister. Her class is huge! She generally has a hard time with large groups of kids around. It will be interesting to see how she grows and changes through the coming year.


  1. That last picture is sooooo cute! Glad she's liking school.

  2. Look at these girls! Preschool and FIRST GRADE?!!!! WHAT!!!!? Nic what are you going to do with your little moments of free time? Ha ha, plenty to do, I know that. You look great! I love you!
