Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Kindergarten Celebration

K had her last day as a kindergartner today. The parents were invited to a musical program put on by the a.m. and p.m. classes. They have been learning about the ocean and it's inhabitants during the last six weeks of school and all their songs were fishy songs. They also had a slide show of pictures taken throughout the year. We will be getting one of those in the mail for our keepsake.

K had a speaking part and she did very well; she spoke clear and loud.

At the end of the performance they handed out wrapped gifts for the kids. They were books with pictures of them throughout the year. There was also a class picture with a place on the back for autographs.
Here is K with her teacher Mrs. R, she loved her teacher.
With her favorite class assistant Mrs. B.
And with the other assistant, Mrs. M.
This has been a wonderful year for K. She has made lots of friends and enjoyed being in a classroom setting again. She is looking forward to being in first grade next year and going all day long. I have really liked getting to know her teachers and hope her teacher next year is just as great. I am excited to help out in the classroom again, too. It was fun to help out the teachers and get to know the students in K's class. If you are able to, I definitely recommend it.
Congratulations, K! You are officially a first grader!


  1. it surely was fun to read about the graduation!! hooray for tana!!

  2. I can't believe it!!! Too fast!!!!!!
