Tuesday, January 6, 2009


It is a New Year and with that comes the privilege of starting over with a clean slate. A chance to make new resolutions to be a better, more improved you.

This year I want to ENJOY things more; live in the moment instead of worrying about the future. I want to be more PATIENT; with my children, my husband, my calling, myself. I want to ACCEPT the things that happen in my life and not stress out about the things that are out of my control. I want to EXPERIENCE more with my family. Do more activities with the kids and go to more interesting places with the family. I want to LEARN new things to better myself and my family. Finally, I want HEALTH. I want to exercise more and eat better. Work on taking better care of myself so that in turn I can take better care of my family.

I know these are lofty goals, but I also know that I will have the support of my wonderful husband, family and dear friends to help me along the way.

I hope this year is wonderful for you and your family. That you will be able to accomplish goals set for yourself and that Heavenly Father will send many blessings your way.
Happy New Year, my friends!


  1. An inspiring New Year post! I would like to work on many of the same things that you will be working on. Here's wishing us both a successful goal achieving 2009!

  2. Good luck with your goals. I like that they are more general than mine...they seem attainable!☺

  3. Knowing you, Nic, you'll achieve them all!!

  4. You can do it! And like you said, we are here to help! Love you.
