Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Day at the Zoo

We took the girls to the zoo on Tuesday with Grandma. They have made quite a few changes since the last time I was there and there are more animals to come in the next couple of years. We arrived early and left about the time it was getting hot, but there was a lot of shade through out. All the trees have grown up nicely in the past decade.

Here is L with Grandma after looking at the farm animals.

Here we all are in front of the Elephant habitat. We didn't get him in the pic though.

The Hippo was K's favorite animal.

She even got Grandma to buy her a stuffed one to take home with her.

Here is one of my favorite animals.

This was M's favorite shot, for a couple of reasons.


  1. We love the zoo!!! Glad you guys were able to go.

  2. that bat pic is coolafanoola
