Tuesday, January 25, 2011

FHE-Tithing Jars

We had FHE on tithing Monday. We have decided to start giving our almost 6 year old an allowance. We have been debating a lot of things about this allowance.
How much should it be?
Should she have to do chores in order to get the allowance?
Should she have spending restrictions or can she spend it all on candy if she wants?
How much should she save?
M and I finally worked it all out and had family home evening reminding her about tithing and why we pay it. Then we told her she was going to get an allowance every week. We gave her coins so she could easily take out her tithing and her savings money. The rest she gets to put in her piggy bank and spend however she wants to. After the lesson, our activity was to make a tithing and savings jar. She can fill these up and every month we will help her fill out a tithing slip and give it to the Bishop on fast Sunday. Her savings money we will put in her account at the bank at the end of the year. She was very excited by all of this.

Making her savings tithing jar.
I helped her align the stickers.
Aren't her jars adorable?
Bet you wish you had one:)


  1. I love it. We might have to steal this idea from you.

  2. Adorable! i love the idea of using coins to easily separate it all.
