Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ward Christmas Party

Yesterday was our ward Christmas party and we had a nice time. M made an Eclair cake that we were unable to sample because all the desserts were gone by the time we got through the line. Hopefully it was good.
After dinner, the primary sang a couple of songs and did the Nativity program. K was an angel this year. After the program the ward sang some Christmas songs until the arrival of Santa Claus. K was excited to see him, as was L. But once it was their turn, L didn't want to get near him. I was able to talk her into standing near him for a picture and before we left she yelled at him she wanted a blue bike. K told him she wanted a scooter.

Eclair Cake

K's costume

Getting ready for the program.

Santa's Workshop

The girls visiting Santa.


  1. that eclair cake looks good! my friend tristen makes one, but she makes it in an oval ring shape.
