Monday, March 9, 2009

CKC Portland Scrapbook Convention

My aunt and I love to scrapbook, but last year we were so busy we never got a chance to do it. So this year, we decided to start out right by going to the annual Scrapbook show in Portland. It is three days of classes, crops, and vendors galore; a scrapbookers paradise!

We arrived on Thursday night to check in and attend the Simple Schemes Crop. We got tons of free product and put together 10 layouts using some new techniques.

On Friday we were up at 6:45 in the morning so we could get ready and eat in preparation for our long day of classes. Our first class was at 8:00am. Most of our classes were together, but the few we had apart we swapped notes on. We had a little time in between some of our classes to look around at the vendors, but we were mostly in class and our last one ended at 7:30 that night. Here is a picture of us at our last class. We were definitely ready to go to bed. A lot of people were staying for the 7-midnight crop, I don't know how they did it.

Saturday we were up early again for another early class. Although, we only had two classes that day and spent some time shopping afterwards. We got a ton of free stuff in all the classes we took and there were several make n' takes at the vendors booths that we did. We had a really great time and I am excited about all the great new techniques I learned. My scrapbook pages were starting to get a little stale and looked the same, now I can spice them up a little bit.


  1. That sounds like a really fun time for the both of you!!

  2. Oh, how fun! I just scrapbooked last night for the 1st time since we did it together the other year. I sure enjoyed those retreats. I am glad you guys had so much fun. Say howdy to your Aunt for me.

  3. Glad you guys had a fun time there. You should post some of your pages so we can see!

  4. I agree with Emy... post pics of your pages!

    I'm glad you guys had so much fun. Thanks for the invite. Did you register for your weekend yet? I'm soooo sad I can't get away yet. Maybe later in the year, k?

    Give Karen a hug from me next time you see her. And a Cherry Coke Zero high five.
